Friday, October 06, 2006

old wives tales

Not including the 4 dreams—actually 5 because Josh had another dream and this time the baby was a girl ("A cute one.", he said)—the votes stand at 6 for boy & 4 for girl. In light of the debate, here are some old wives tales regarding gender prediction in pregnancy. It still could go either way. We'll just have to wait until the next ultrasound and hope that the Wee One cooperates in showing us it's business.

If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140. (158 at first ultrasound, 140's at next appointment via the doppler)

If you can't get enough chocolate, you could be having a girl. Those sour cravings are a result of the little boy inside of you. (umm...just food in general)

The belief is that, if your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy. (I tease him that he is, but face it, Josh is blessed with a fabulous metabolism)

Hold a pendant over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, you're having a boy. If it is more of a circular motion, then it's a girl. This can also be done by suspending a ring on a string above your belly.

Some believe that getting acne during your pregnancy indicates you're carrying a girl. Maybe the acne is caused by twice the amount of female hormones?

If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a girl. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a girl you become doubly so. (moody is just a fact)

If you carry the baby out front (others can’t see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a boy. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a girl. (anyone want to look at my bum and let me know?)

If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a girl. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a boy. (29 in 2006)

If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl.

Ask the mum-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it's a girl; palms down, a boy.

If you dream of girls, you will have a boy. If you dream of boys, you will have a girl. (you know where I stand here)

Ask yourself what you think you're having. In a study that asked women with no previous knowledge about their baby's sex, the moms-to-be correctly guessed the sex of their baby 71% of the time.


Blogger Jen said...

I read once something about "babies being made by the light of the full moon" being girl babies.

I also heard, recently, that male sperm swims faster than female sperm but dies sooner, so spem left living 4 days after the egg has dropped is female sperm and produces a girl baby but any conception occuring before that produces boy babies, mostly depends on WHEN after ovulating, conception happens. I actually have a friend whose sister is very, very dedicated to the rhythm method, has been calulating for a girl and is pregnant and present but isn't going to find out whether she was successful in having a girl or not.

Ummm...if I say that I've been avoiding mentioning I bizarrely dreamt (bizarre because dreaming about blogger friends whom you've never met -much less their private lives- is rather weird and should be discounted) you were having a boy before you wrote the dream post, will you promise not to be mad and not to take the ponderings of my subconscious seriously? I have debated mentioning it or not for a very long time and am still not certain I should have.

Lastly, my friend, Kristy, just had a girl last week- after having 3 boys. And she was certain it was a girl because she had acne like you would not believe with each of the boys and didn't have a spot of it at all during this pregnancy. So I always thought the acne thing was because you had more testosterone coursing through your body.

Who's to a healthy, happy, well-behaved, easy wee one, regardless!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Cupcake Blonde said...

"If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl."

Great...I'm going to have all boys!

10:47 PM  

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