4 dreams
So far there have been four dreams had about the baby after it's born. One by Josh, one by my Mom, and two by me. In each dream we were fully aware of the sex of the baby. Here are the current standing via our subconscious:
Josh: boy
Mom: boy
Me: girl
Me: girl
So, looks like we're neck and neck at this point. Any predictions? It will still be another 4 weeks or so before we find out for sure—assuming the Wee One cooperates at the next ultrasound.
Josh: boy
Mom: boy
Me: girl
Me: girl
So, looks like we're neck and neck at this point. Any predictions? It will still be another 4 weeks or so before we find out for sure—assuming the Wee One cooperates at the next ultrasound.
Boy. Just have a feeling.
Lots of votes for boys! Although, I believe all of these votes are coming from males—am I right NRA? Does anyone think there might be a girl in here? What about the fact that the MOTHER, you know the one carrying the baby, has dreamt it's a girl? Doesn't that count for something?
Well, I think the old wive's tale is bad morning sickness = boy. So I'm going with boy!
I've got to throw my hat in with the rest of the boy votes. Though I have no idea why.
You are about two weeks later than I am due date wise. Is it killing you to not know? It is killing me.
Does it really matter? I figure as long as you get 10 fingers & toes, you are all good.
Boy, named Williard Holmes Crawley Whitney III, Jr.
VP—I've actually heard the opposite about the Morning Sickness. I suppose that's why it's an Old Wives Tale—no real truth in it.
Chardy May—Are you planning to find out? We are indifferent to the sex, but want to know to help plan the nursery.
tmat—Of course all we really want is a healthy baby, but it will still be fun to find out. And with regards to the name—no, no, no, no...
Alex—I LOVE that you put "Uncle". It was a total "awww" moment for me.
Find a chinese birth predictor calendar - it was correct for both Pan and Tink.
(I am thinking girl - just because you are dreaming it's a girl. - I dreamt Pan would be a boy - and Tink would be a girl - but then I also dreamt that Tink was twins...or maybe that was just a nightmare?)
I saw a study recently that said that the mother's dreams about the sex of the baby is correct a super-high percentage of the time. But then, I am psychic (I'm only half kidding!) and I dreamed I was having a boy. I was so convinced that I painted the room blue, bought boy stuff, etc. Georgia is as girl as girl can get (I hope you have a girl.)
What part of the name don't you like? I saw a movie about rats once that was named Williard.
Lynda—We know for sure it's not twins. Only one wee one in there, confirmed by the ultrasound.
I am expecting as well, how did you get the ticker on the top of your blog? I am really bad with the bloggging templates. :)
So I see that congrets are in order I do believe pink will be a good choice, because I am surrounded by prego people and they all are having girls. I am even starting to get the urge for a wee one.
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