Sunday, December 17, 2006

26+ weeks

Went to the doctor's on Friday. I have one more appointment next month and then I "graduate" to appointments every two weeks. That's means we are getting really close to the due date. Everything continues to be moving along in a seemingly normal manner. The babies heart rate measured in the 150s and my fundal height was 29.5 cm. the doctor said that I'm measuring a few weeks ahead but my growth for this period was consistent with what it should be (about a centimeter per week). I'm not sure was the measuring ahead means—I'm hoping a baby a little earlier rather than a really big baby.

Josh was able to go to the appointment with me, so he got to hear the heartbeat and meet the doctor. That made me happy, as it's been 14 weeks since he last heard the heartbeat and I wanted him to meet the doctor before I went into labor. I also got my paperwork to go get my glucose test done. Just have to set aside an hour or so one morning to go and do it. I'm not supposed to eat anything, but the nurse said I could have something small as long as it didn't have any sugar in it—and I tell the technician I haven't eaten (so sneaky).

Here's a lovely picture—and a rare glimpse of our kitchen—Josh took of me this evening while messing around with the camera. Looks like a whole lotta baby hanging out in that belly. Click on the pick for a much bigger and closer view of that goofy look on my face.


Blogger tracey clark said...

Yay beautiful you(emphasis on full)! Thanks for playing at Pcture This. Looks like you got a happy baby in there.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's awesome you both got to hear the heartbeat together again. And good luck with your glucose test! Not that you'll need it. lol And yay a belly shot again!!!

11:09 PM  
Blogger Lynda said...

Awww, that's a cute picture.

Is Josh standing on a chair though? You seem awfully low in the picture, like he was pointing the camera down at you for a high place.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Lynda—He might have been holding the camera up above his head slightly.

1:22 PM  
Blogger egan said...

Look at that belly! (said with a Scottish accent)

4:02 PM  
Blogger Brandy said...

You look fabulous! And yay no the graduating to appts every two weeks. My docs already put me in that category and I go back again two weeks from Thursday. Wow, time is going by SO fast!

12:21 PM  

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