Monday, May 28, 2007


Friday he ate at 10:00 pm, went to sleep, and didn't get up again until 5:40 am. It was awesome.

growing up—9 weeks

13 pounds. Need we say more?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

growing up—8 weeks

Dear Gideon,
Wow. Two months old already. Although it's hard to imagine life before you or without you, it seems hardly possible that you've been in our life for two whole months already.

I remember how tiny you were when we first brought you home. You seemed so small in the bassinet that we had for you. The bassinet that was used for both your Grandma and me—an heirloom that stayed right by our bedside during the night. You've outgrown that and now you sleep in your crib in your bedroom—which you've been sleeping in for weeks now. You're pretty funny when you sleep during the day. You try so hard to stay awake for fear that you'll miss something and when you finally give up the fight you are completely content. That is, if you are in our arms or on our chests. It seems like no matter how long you've been asleep, as soon as we lay you down in your crib you wake up—even if just for a moment. At night however you are sleeping much better and have even blessed us with nights where you only wake up around 2 a.m. and then not again until 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning. I thank you for that after many, many nights of getting up with you at midnight, then again at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00. My favorite part of your sleeping habit has to be right after that 6ish feeding. When you are done and have been burped I'll lay down in bed with you on my chest and we'll sleep there together for the next couple of hours. I know that too soon you will be too big to do that anymore and I cherish each morning right now.

8 weeks

Bath time has become a highly anticipated event in our house. The first bath we gave you in your tub was accompanied by lots of fussing but that has gone by the wayside. Now you smile and are really tranquil when getting a bath. It's like you are king during bath time. We put your tub on the floor and one of us will wash you while the other showers you with warm water. It's a pleasurable time for all three of us. The hardest part of you to wash is your neck because you have all these little rolls to get to (just like Mom did). I've begun to affectionately call you "stinky neck" because of this. We also respect your modesty and put a washcloth over your boy bits. I say it for modesty, but really, it's so you don't pee on me during your bath.

You are amazing and every day you become even more so. Your personality has really emerged this past month and we couldn't be happier with you. "You're such a good boy." is an often heard phrase around our house. You rarely cry and are such a joy to be around. Your social smiles have come on full force and you give them out like they are candy. Full smiles, half smiles, tiny grins—they melt my heart. You are also cooing, gurgling, and chattering a lot these days. We have these little conversations with you and you seem truly happy to carry on with us.

Recently you've discovered your hand and your thumb. While you may not be successful with every attempt to get it to your mouth you know it's there and will not give up. I can see how it's getting easier for you with each passing day as you gain better control of your arms and legs. Another phrase you hear often is "You're so strong!" said with great enthusiasm. You've been lifting your head for weeks now but it's staying up without assistance for longer periods of time these days. You are also pushing off of any surface the soles of your feet come in contact with. When you are laying on our chests you will lift your head up and start pushing off with your feet until your whole body is bobbing up and down in a little frenzy.

finding his hand

Going back to work proved to be one of the harder things I had to do. That first day I cried more than once—when I dropped you off at Grandma's, on the phone with Daddy on my drive to work, and even a little when I first got to my job. It's gotten easier but as soon as I drop you off I can't wait until I can see you again. I know you're in good hands when I'm gone—Grandma loves to watch you (and Uncle Alex loves to play with you). Of course Daddy is phenomenal with you and loves you just as much as I do. I love you more than I could have ever imagined and each day that love grows a little bit more. You are the highlight of our lives and we can't imagine a single day without you in it.

looking at Mom & Dad

Happy 2 month birthday baby!


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

growing up—7 weeks

Thursday, May 10, 2007

chunky monkey

10 pounds 8 ounces?
Just 6 weeks ago you were 7.3.
Hell, just 2 weeks ago you were 9.8. At least we know you're getting enough to eat.

Monday, May 07, 2007

growing up—6 weeks

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

growing up—5 weeks

Check out the rolls of juicy baby goodness on his legs.

Despite the fact that my hair looks unbrushed and you can see my bra, don't we look happy?